Tuesday 2 February 2010

Considered Thoughts of Auckland

I realised now that the dates are wrong so have adjusted to Auckland time!!

Much better now to write a considered view of the first day. First impressions were that everything is quiett. The airport is the least busy international one that I have been to. There were no queues of traffic to exit. The hotel is pretty much cookie cutter international but suits us in our tired state. It is a mile or so from downtown but there is a shuttle bus every 30 mins.

We went to the harbour area where there are lots of small ferries to outlying parts. It was busy but on a small scale. There are the usual shops but it tooks us a long time to spot a Starbucks and so far only one! While by the harbour we stopped for refreshment and I drank my first NZ beer, an original (see picture). By 4pm we were tired and staggered back to the hotel. I realised how lagged we were when it took me several attemopts and the intervention of the attendant to work the changing room locker in the health spa. This is a good facility with outdoor pool and good gym.

We just had a simple dinner of Ceasar Salad and chips during which Marion fell to sleep. Then ten hours sleep, bliss.

Today a trip on a ferry and some scouting around, Marion is getting bookshop withdrawal.

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