Monday 1 February 2010

If its Monday it is Hong Kong

Monday afternoon and sat at Hong Kong airport. 23deg and Nigel has bought an emergency tee shirt, well it is the year of the dragon.

Very good flight, service and food excellent. I watched An Education while Marion passed the time with Damned United. Odd seeing Scarborough while over Russia.

Woke to see a fabulous view of the moutain ranges of the interior of China, then a clear decent into Hong Kong. My Lantau has changed since we were last here 30 years ago. Still I suppose that we have changed as well.

Another 11 hours to go and we will be in Auckland. That will be great.

Marion & Nigel

1 comment:

  1. By the time you read this you willbe ion NZ. Cold here! Icy. Ben had hi picture in a PR magazine. Not sure why I can only be Cann hall will sort
    Laura aka little Bobbie
