Monday 1 February 2010

Tired in Aucland

You’ll have to forgive errors in this post – we’re pretty jet lagged despite getting plenty of sleep on the flight. (Marion rather more than Nigel!). We flew down the Australian east coast in the dark but morning broke as we crossed the Tasmin Sea. Our first view of Auckland was watery – we were on the sea side not the down town side as we landed. We were pretty quick though the airport (not the world’s busiest) and were pleased to arrive at our hotel and have a shower, hair wash and change of clothing. Although very tired, we resisted the temptation to go to bed and took the hotel shuttle bus down to the harbour area. It was bustling and lively, with several very large cruise vessels moored up. We sat, watching the world wag by over the top of a beer glass and then returned to the hotel. To prevent sleeping, Nigel had a run in the gym and I took a swim in the heated outdoor pool.
We are both very tired now and are stuggling to stay upto the target time of 9pm. See the first shots of New Zealand uploaded.

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