Thursday 4 February 2010

Random New Zealand Thoughts

I am waking up at 6am like clockwork and then feel wide awake. If that is the only impact of jet lag then that is good. As a result now is a good time to gather my almost lucid thoughts. What are my first impressions?

First of all there is a lot of cultural similarity, the sports pages could come from the Yorkshire Post (cricket, football etc....) Everywhere seems familiar, yet there are differeneces that shout at you. Driving is like being in Canada that strange mixture of kilometres withAamerican signage. Everybody we have met is very polite and very anxious to talk. Service so far is excellent.

The scenary is fantastic, and that is before we have seen the five star sites. Again becaause we are out of season there is no pressure on parking, the roads, restaurants etc...The atmosphere is very clear and unpollutted.

Already I have had one of my great runs, along the beach last night was heaven, great firm sand, bright blue seas, and a great temperature. This will sound pretentious it is up there with the Charles River in Boston, and Cloughton to Ravencar along the coast.

The food we have had so far is excellent, mostly it has to be said seafood. The mussels are huge, and we have yet to try mussel fritters which seem to be a delicacy. Also you can pies everywhere, yet to try those.

Importantly we are very relaxed, very quickly, although it is good to keep in touch via Twitter, blogging etc.. it is a pleasure rather than a chore. I am now uploading the photos to Picassa (, not sure how you access this, but I am sure that Thomas can add a comment.

Here is the last pretentious cliche, it is also great to blog for ones own sanity. Perhaps I am discovering the benefits of keeping a diary at a late stage in life. You can collect your thoughts and summarise the day, My apologies for boring the readership.

Must go now as Marion has had "oooh Nigel" moment as she steps onto the balconey to look at the coast (we are about 200 feet up 2 miles from the sea).

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