Monday 8 February 2010

A Wine Tour...hic

A late blog today and a short one as we have just been on the wine tour of the Hawkes Bay Region. We now know our Sauvignon Blanc from our Chardonnay. All I need to say is that Marion was singing in the minibus before the end. You will get the picture. Seriously the tour was very interesting, we visited a different winery for each course, and had tastings. Some serious money in the wines here.
Napier is a strange place full of Art Deco, nyot just one building but all the buildings. Ironicaly our building is the only original Edwardian building left, but the inside has been restored in the Art Deco style. Lots of interesting shops. A fuller description of today will follow tomorrow when we are sober.

1 comment:

  1. Great to read your lovely posts. Gong gong is making them into a scrap book of the ones I have printed! Everything going on like normal over here. It snowed today and is cold again. Tom staying at ours tonight (Monday). Love you both x
