Monday 15 February 2010

A Transitional Day, and brrrr....

A transitional day today together with some much needed housekeeping. We slept well but woke to a much greyer day than expected. After a good breakfast, we spent the morning reading and having coffee, because our water taxi did not depart until late morning. It was our last ride on Cougar Lines back to Picton, much rougher than before. I have displayed the boat that we had for last evening’s cruise at the head of the blog today. I have decided that I am giving up Project Management and going to apply to be a crew member on the water taxis next year. Fantastic job; getting a great sun tan, being nice to happy people in a great environment. Marion thinks that I fail one of the key job criteria, I will leave the readers to guess which.
We picked the car up in Picton and then drove to Blenheim the centre of Marlborough Sound wine production. There were huge vineyards here on an almost industrial scale mainly producing Sauvignon Blanc. The town itself was workaday New Zealand but provided a good lunch.
As we drove south the weather deteriorated considerably. The temperature plummeted to 13 degrees and the mist and rain rolled in. As a result we could not appreciate the rugged coastline. Kaikoura where we are staying was a small fishing town but now is mainly based on whale watching tourism. It is ideally located because there is a huge chasm just offshore which attracts marine mammals. Again we are not seeing it at its best due to poor visibility. We did however find a Scarborough Street, next to Whitby Place!!!!!!
Tonight we have a self catering apartment which is well equipped. We were able to wash and tumble dry, and I had a spa bath after my run. Also we decided to visit the local supermarket for a homemade dinner as an alternative to eating out. So we feasted on open pies (quiche) coleslaw, bean salad and garlic bread, washed down with diet coke. Going to finish off with a game of Scrabble.

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